Monday, October 19, 2009

Food Stamp Crisis

I recently read an article in the Dallas Morning News called "Food Stamp Crisis." The article talked about how the state is doing a horrible job on getting families food stamps who need them. According to the article, the Health and Human Services Commission in Texas is too over whelmed. Towards the end of the article, it talks about how there are 2.8 million Texans who are helped out by food stamps. Even if the state is running behind in the department, 2.8 million is a lot of people. I think that is pretty generous of the state considering that the state is helping them out. It is rude and inappropriate to complain about a service that was created to help people. Another part of the article said that the state needs to hire more people in the department to lighten the heavy work load. Then it talks about how the state is in the process of hiring 250 new people. So what is the problem? If the state is taking steps to help he situation, what is the "crisis?" There is not much else that they can do. I feel like people like to have something to complain about. The author of this article is trying to create controversy over something that is not controversial. The problem is not the state and the food stamps, the problem is people not being grateful and patient when they are asking for help.

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