Monday, October 5, 2009

Doctors' Referrals Need Austin's Attention

I recently read an article from the Dallas Morning News website called "Doctors' Referrals Need Austin's Attention." The article talks about doctors and medical imaging places. The author of the editorial thinks that it is unethical for doctors to refer patients to those medical imaging if they have ownership in them. He says that patients should be clear that the doctor owns a part of the place that they are being referred to. I think that he is just getting upset and arguing over something just for the sake of arguing. Why does it matter if a doctor owns part of they are referring their patients to? Where else would they refer them to? I can't imagine why a patient would have a problem with being referred to another place or practice that their doctor owns. Obviously there is a reason why they are seeing that particular doctor so they would probably want to go to a place that their doctor is affiliated with. I think that people are too hard on people who are seen as powerful, like doctors. We should stop assuming that people are trying to screw us over all the time.

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